The Story of The GAME is a complex and epic tale, full of characters with dreams, hopes, fears, desires, and unimaginable power.  It is the story of a land divided, of two nations on the brink of war, of people torn between their longing for Peace and their desire for Power.  It is a story of an entire world, but at its core, at the heart of it all, it is your story.

You awaken on the shore of the island of Neet, with a hazy past and a more oblique future.  Only you have the power to guide the path you will take, and every choice you make will drive you down the road to ultimate power.  But what form will that power take? 

Will you join the Tis’te, a fearsome race of warriors with the ability to command the forces of nature?

Or do you side with the Novians, an equally martial nation that believes only in the power of what they control with their own two hands...

Will you forsake war, and choose the avenue of diplomacy, focusing your power to find a way to bring peace to all the nations of Fa’lyn, to heal the deep wounds that have been allowed to fester?

Or do you disdain politics but crave power; will you choose the path of the mercenary, and lie and steal your way to fame and fortune?

These questions and more will face you as you navigate your way through the GAME. And as in real life, each choice you make has consequences, some good and some dire... 

Your choices will change your character, your game play experience, and more importantly, will change the entire world